Thursday, February 18, 2010

An Open Letter to Canyon Crest Homeowners

February 18, 2010

Dear Friends:

Most of you have recently received a mysterious letter which asks you to contact Joan Kaye about a proposed new landscaping contract. The letter also states that the Board is “talking about increasing the association fee.” There has been no such discussion. The author of the letter has chosen to remain anonymous by signing it “Canyon Crest Voice.”
For us, your Board members, the “Voice of Canyon Crest” is those homeowners who come to meetings every month to listen to the Board’s discussions and express their opinions. And, if they can’t be present, they check the agenda to see if there are any items about which they want to express their opinions to the Board before a decision is made.
The “Voice of Canyon Crest” is those volunteers who worked so hard to put on the lovely winter social we all enjoyed and who are now planning the June 6th community event.
The “Voice of Canyon Crest” is the members of the Long Range Planning Committee who have been working for months to create a better, more beautiful community here – with input from all homeowners.
The “Voice of Canyon Crest” is those volunteers who are planning to show up this Saturday, and give their time to help with a community painting project.
And, yes, the “Voice of Canyon Crest” is the 5 Board members whom you have chosen to represent you and who have spent as much as 20 hours a week on the business of this association. These people serve on the Board because they feel a responsibility to the community in which we all live and generously give their time to make it the kind of community of which we can all be proud.
The “Voice of Canyon Crest” is not an anonymous letter, full of untruths, sent by someone who does not have the courage to sign her name, much less express her opinions in a public forum. It is not the kind of back-biting which increases the burden of the Board members who have to take time from the serious business of the association to respond to it, and which creates a negative atmosphere for the community overall.
Friends and neighbors we urge you all to come to the Board meetings and express your opinions freely, contact your Board members regularly, run for office, join committees, help with the beautification projects, participate in the community socials …. and be a positive “Voice of Canyon Crest”
Please, when you get letters that attempt to undermine the many positive efforts that are being made in this community, throw them in the trash where they belong. Feel free to contact any of us directly, at any time, if you would like to discuss this or any other community issue of concern to you.

Yours truly,

The Canyon Crest estates Board of Directors
Joan Kaye, President
Bob Kopicki, Vice President
Michael Clayton, Treasurer
Jack Dangelo, Secretary
Brenda Hughes, Member at Large


  1. Board,

    All the homeowners want is the new landscaping company to come at least 2 x a week to clean and maintain our property. Is it really that hard to listen to what we are saying and asking? We pay association fees so that the property we live in is maintained. I would think that most homeowners feel it is silly to have to go through all this just for a request to consider that our new landscaping company cleans the property on a regular schedule program.

    Please also consider removing the signs that have graiffi that should be top of your list.

    20 hours a week you should be able to get that done.


  2. As previously discussed, the new landscape contract already includes the option for additional days of cleaning, at cost. There may also be less expensive ways to blow the driveways than to have a landscaper do it. So far only 1 person has raised this as a serious issue, but everyone's input should be heard. Note that all other HOA's in our area have landscaping service once per week, not 3x. It seems this is more of a cleaning issue than an landscape issue. Note also the City of Newport Beach is considering a total ban on blowers.

  3. Please put your name that would be helpful. I mean really you get down on me about that.

    No one wants to raise the issue because if a HO does not agree with what the board does then they are considered difficult. It states in the letter above from Mike. The canyon Crest voice is made up of 5 board members.

    Why did a 30 year old tree located in the circle area of our community get taken down?

    Who is on the landscaping committee?

    I was told by a HO that they beleive some board members want to take down trees, get our community really looking bad and then go in for a large loan, assesment to beable to re landscape. I did not make that up a real HO said that to me.

    Most HO just want to take care of what we have and maintain what we have to its useful life. Not spend any more money on landscaping projects


  4. Please inform the rest of the community that the board fired the property managment company Tritz. As of April 15 they are no longer our managment company.

    Who is? I hope this board does not think they will be self managed

    Barbara very concern homeowner

  5. There is nothing to report until the new management company is selected, which should occur prior to March 1. There will be a customary 30 day transition period. Until then it is business as usual for all of us -- Tritz is still our manager. Changing vendors and/or management companies is sometimes a necessary part of the HOA business, acting in the best interests of the community overall. However all HO should see this as a move in the right direction.

    Open forum is the best place to raise all these issues, and they are good ones, for the benefit of all the homeowners. Every resident here can also contact their directors at any time directly, and many do. Have not heard any HO say board members weren't available or wouldn't listen to their concerns. True, it is unlikely you can satisfy everyone on every issue.

    Landscape committee: Jack D’angelo, Diane Enders, Gloria Hickman, Brenda Hughes. Everyone in our community shares the same goal of maintaining our assets, managing our costs, and keeping our place nice for all -- note the mission statement at top of this page! And, hopefully every homeowner also would like to contribute to making this a great place to live too. A positive attitude is a nice place to start.

  6. I will come to your next open forum when is it


  7. This type of change should not be done in a close session
