Friday, December 18, 2009

Community Paint Project: 1 Canyon Crest Dr Wall

1 Canyon Crest Dr - Planter Wall
Saturday Dec 19 @ 10 AM
Got an hour to spare and want to help make our community look better? Need a break from holiday shopping? Come join us Saturday morning at 10 am … to help paint the fading and peeling planter wall at 1 Canyon Crest Drive. No experience or tools needed, but if you have an extra paint brush bring it just in case. We’ll be done by noon. Are you interested in helping? Contact: Eileen Semple (949-760-1288) commander of the volunteer corps, or Michael Clayton (949-903-0044).

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Homeowner OC Airport Shuttle

Dear Flyers,
We have a solid list of volunteers for our shuttle to the OC Airport.

Thanks for being a part of this community initiative!

Joan P. Stavale
Coaching People Who Want Purpose, Fulfillment and Inspiration

Individual and group coaching
Work and organizational workshops
Public speaking events

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Concrete Paver Installation

Take a peek at the just-completed paver installation, by the back mailbox on Canyon Crest Dr cul-de-sac. It really came out great -- thanks to Brenda and Eileen for doing the legwork and coming up with a such beautiful choice. These pavers are manufactured locally here by Olsen Pavingstone in the OC, and are one of their most popular styles. These multi-hued paver colors are intended to accent our new entry gates, roof tiles, landscaping, and our future paint scheme (when implemented). Not only is this a more modern updated look vs. the old stamped concrete, but it also eliminated a major trip hazard as well (see pix at right). The new pavers are 1) less expensive, 2) more flexible in terms of colors and 3) easier to repair, when compared to either stamped or plain concrete. Also a bit more eco-friendly too, as water can percolate down between the pavers, rather than running off. If all goes well, and based on community input of course, it's intended that this concept be rolled out to the other areas of the complex over time. Check out the pictures or the real thing, and tell us what you think (see the Poll, at left). We appreciate your feedback!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Poll Results: Is a Long Range Plan a Good Idea?

The results of our 1st poll on the blog are in (see box at left), and the answer seems pretty clear. We asked homeowners "Do you think a Long Range Plan for Canyon Crest is a good idea?". And our respondents said:

YES -- 15 votes (100%)
NO -- 0 votes (0%)

So what about the rest of you who didn't vote?? There will be another chance -- look for another Poll on this blog soon ....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Results from Townhall #2 -- Nov 16

We had a lively Townhall #2 last Monday. With lots of homeowners in attendance we had a great forum for ideas and discussion (and a drop of the grape too). The main take-aways from the meeting were:
1) Attendees were enthusiastic about working together on "Community Involvement Projects" ... and so we will start putting together a list of possible projects shortly. Relatively simple stuff like minor painting, powerwashing, pool signage, possibly some landscaping as well. If you have more ideas, post them here. Interested in helping? Let us know!
2) Lots of community support for improving the "Canyon Crest Drive Wall" ... on the south side of our property bordering Seaview Lutheran Plaza, primarily via improved landscaping on our neighbor's side of the fence (see concept drawing to the right, prepared by Gloria). Seaview has shown interest in working with us in the past on this. Gloria has agreed to organize that exploratory effort, and work with Seaview to come up with a preliminary concept and cost estimate for review. A little paint wouldn't hurt that wall either!
3) Homeowners nominated a list of community "Eyesores" which could use some immediate help. These included: Canyon Crest Drive wall (see above), Utility Cabinets, Garage Vent Screens, Planter Wall @ Canyon Lane/Selden Unit, Planter Wall @ 1 Canyon Crest Dr, Lattice over Garage and Patio Walls, Red Fire Stripe, and Cars Parked in Front of Units.
4) Lastly a list of "ISSUES" homeowners would like to see addressed in the long range plan: Earthquake Preparedness, Termites, Mold Policy, Trip & Fall Hazards, Sidewalk Algae, Uplights for Main Entries, Street Signage, and Street Lights.
Sounds like we got lots to do here -- now its time to get cracking! Thanks to everyone who participated, and look for another townhall sometime in January.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Update from the Paint Colors Sub-Committee

Friday morning, Nov. 6, members of the Paint Sub-Committee (Brenda Hughes, Gloria Hickman, Joanie Stavale, along with Eileen Semple) went on another fieldtrip in CDM to find houses with paint colors that would look good for Canyon Crest. Remember that our complex is tentatively scheduled for painting next year (HOA Board to decide), and that homeowners will ultimately decide if we want to repaint the existing color or change it. Here are the top three choices of houses with colors we liked. We will show you photos of these houses at the next Town Hall Meeting and welcome your feedback. Please take the time to drive by these addresses in CDM yourself so that you can weigh in too.

505 Begonia (gold color)
219 Iris (creamy gold)
2800 Ocean Lane (faces Goldenrod in the 200 block; address plaque is on the Ocean Lane alley side) -- (light buff/terra cotta) with a planter down the alley side that could inspire us on our own tired planters.

If you find other addresses in CDM or elsewhere, get them to Gloria by Dec 31, and we will take a look. (email: And please bring your ideas to the townhall meeting!

Gloria Hickman, Brenda Hughes --- Co-Chairs of Paint Sub-Committee

Thursday, November 5, 2009

CAI Homeowner Rights and Responsibilities for Better Communities

Irving Selden provided an interesting piece from CAI on homeowner rights and responsibilities, and has suggested our association adopt it. Makes a lot of sense don't you think? Hint: To view the CAI document, just click on the title right above here, or go to the link below:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Canyon Crest Painters Strike Again !!

Rumour has it that some dedicated citizen homeowner(s), in a daring lunchtime raid today secretly painted the entry monument on Canyon Crest Circle. How dare they try and clean up our complex ... the nerve!! So which do you think looks better, before or after? And just who was that mystery painter ... when, and where, might she strike next?!?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Painting the Entry Monument on Canyon Crest Drive

Check out the recent re-painting of the entry monument on Canyon Crest Drive, courtesy of the Long Range Planning Team ... with special thanks to Ivan Sirin for the use of his power-washer! It would be nice to see a new color scheme there someday soon, but for the time being a good power-washing and fresh coat of paint has really improved the appearance of the entry to our property. Remember how it was covered with algae before --- well take a look now. The Crest Circle entry is next up. Have you got other ideas for more easy-to-do projects, that we can all work on together? Interested in lending a hand? Little things like this can make an improvement in our curb appeal ..... and as grandma used to say "many hands make light work!"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome Homeowners

WELCOME HOMEOWNERS!! This blog is for people who would like to exchange ideas and views about Canyon Crest Estates HOA in a positive and constructive manner. In particular we'd like to focus on development of a Long Term Plan and our community Vision going forward. How can we make our community a better place to live? How can we improve our property values? How can we keep our costs down? We will attempt to address the concerns of all homeowners in the process. We need YOUR ideas and suggestions ..... after all this is YOUR community. Have you got complaints, criticisms, etc? Lets hear about those .... and please try to propose some solutions while you're at it too. NOTE: Please refrain from from personal attacks and other inappropriate comments. Your Blog Moderator is: Michael Clayton